CUFAA – Comando unità per la tutela forestale, ambientale e agroalimentare

The National Forest Service, established in 1822, is a police force to civil law, specialized in the agri-environmental resource conservation, protection of natural heritages, wildlife and landscapes and in the prevention and suppression of criminal offenses related to the environment and food. In particular, the CTA (Regional Coordination for the Environment) of the AMNP, a branch of the National Forest Service, is based in Altamura, and counts 4 Control Stations settled in Altamura, Andria, Gravina in Puglia and Ruvo di Puglia. The mission of the CTA is primarily to oversight the Park for compliance with the existing rules. Furthermore, on the basis of a operational level, it collaborates with the Park Authority in other activities, including monitoring the composition and balance of local flora and fauna.